Применение декоративной готовой штукатурки в интерьере

Применение декоративной готовой штукатурки в интерьере

Sure, I can walk you through creating a Python script to automate sending daily email reports using the smtplib and email modules. Let’s break down the steps:Import necessary modules: Import the smtplib, email, and datetime modules.Set up email parameters: Define variables for the sender’s email address, recipient’s email address, email subject, SMTP server address, port, and sender’s email password.Create the email message: Compose the email message including subject, sender, recipient, and body.Establish a connection with the SMTP server: Connect to the SMTP server using smtplib.SMTP().Login to the SMTP server: Login to the SMTP server using the sender’s email address and password.Send the email: Send the email using smtp.send_message().Close the connection: Close the connection to the SMTP server.Here’s a sample Python script to achieve this:pythonCopy codeimport smtplib

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

from datetime import datetime

def send_email():

# Email parameters

sender_email = «your_email@gmail.com»

recipient_email = «recipient_email@example.com»

subject = «Daily Report — » + datetime.now().strftime(«%Y-%m-%d»)

smtp_server = «smtp.gmail.com»

port = 587

password = «your_email_password»

# Create email message

msg = MIMEMultipart()

msg[‘From’] = sender_email

msg[‘To’] = recipient_email

msg[‘Subject’] = subject

# Email body

body = «Insert your report content here.»

msg.attach(MIMEText(body, ‘plain’))

# Establish connection with SMTP server

smtp = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, port)


# Login to SMTP server

smtp.login(sender_email, password)

# Send email


# Close connection


if __name__ == «__main__»:


Now, to set this up:Install Required Modules: If you haven’t already, install the smtplib module. You can do this using pip:Copy codepip install secure-smtplib

Configure Email Settings: Replace your_email@gmail.com with your email address, recipient_email@example.com with the recipient’s email address, and your_email_password with your email password.Run the Script: Save the script in a .py file and run it using Python. You can set up a cron job or a scheduled task to run this script daily at the desired time.With these steps, your Python script should now automate sending daily email reports.

Автор статьи
Ирина Микулина
Ирина Микулина
Мастер декоративных работ (эксперт по декоративной штукатурке). Стаж 15 лет.
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